Instant visibility into the financial health of a business

Help your customers leverage the card revenue and growth data that powers the biggest SMB lenders in the U.S. for underwriting and portfolio monitoring.

Our Customers


Upgrade your proprietary models

Turbocharge the underwriting process and finance more businesses with confidence. Enigma enables you to see 12 months+ of card revenue data instantly. Our unique signals, updated monthly, improve model accuracy in volatile times.

Enigma data improves most customer approval rates by 1.3x to 1.9x – without increasing risk.


Remove the friction from KYB

Identifying legitimate businesses is a must-have for any credit decisioning platform. Enigma helps you instantly validate new businesses, so your customers can meet compliance requirements without slowing down.

We update our more than 30 million business profiles with fresh data every two weeks. That’s why we’re able to match 15% more businesses than the top competitors.


Higher match rates for a healthier funnel

Qualify leads efficiently and accurately for your partners. Enigma provides the highest match rates in the industry, with 10-15% more matches than any other company due to its unique blend of source data.

That’s why we’re the top-of-funnel data source of choice for leading credit decisioning platforms. Help marketing budgets stretch further by screening out fake or closed businesses and flagging top prospects.

Why Enigma?

Enigma provides a comprehensive profile for every U.S. small and medium business. Each profile includes key information about business health and identity. For businesses that accept card payments, Enigma provides accurate revenue and growth data, built directly from the largest panel of U.S. credit card transactions in the market.

Explore our full catalog of data attributes here.

Icon of growing signal bars.


  • Monthly business revenues, updating each month
  • Understand which businesses are growing or declining month-over-month
  • Built from 750 million+ cards, covering 40%+ of US card transactions
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  • Strong coverage of the long tail of businesses
  • Real revenue data for over 10M merchants
  • Covers 80%+ of businesses in consumer-facing industries
Icon for "A single alternative source" benefit on Marketing Use Case page


  • No business owner authentication required
  • Enables use cases where open-banking data falls short
  • Your choice of access: API, batch processing, file deliveries, business profile search

Interested in learning more?

Get in touch for a customized demo and see the data in action.