Industry Classification

Enigma Industry Classification data identifies the industry and sub-industry of a business. With a 90% accuracy rate, our data provides unique detail about what a business is and how it operates.


Industry classification is a pervasive challenge for financial institutions that serve small businesses. For far too long, lenders have had to deal with inaccurate industry codes and industry classifications too general for effective risk evaluation.

Enigma outperforms incumbent providers in accurately identifying the correct industries and sub-industries for card-accepting businesses. Our industry classification covers contemporary business models, such as hybrid online and brick-and-mortar companies, while providing details about how a business operates.

How to use this data

Knowing a company’s industry and business model is essential for effective credit risk evaluation. Industry classification provides critical context for all other information about a company.

Financial institutions need to know more than whether a business is a retail store; they need to know what type of retail, whether that business operates online, in physical locations, or both. Enigma provides this level of granular industry data.

Enigma's industry data can be accessed via API, batch append, or data delivery.

Sample API output

{ "industries": [ { "classification_type": "NAICS_2017", "classification_code": "448110", "classification_description": "Men's clothing stores", }, { "classification_type": "NAICS_2017", "classification_code": "454110", "classification_description": "Electronic shopping and mail-order houses", } ] }