Small Business Data

Accurate, timely B2SMB data

Enigma provides identity, firmographic, and financial health data about millions of U.S. small and medium businesses. Explore available data and learn more about our data sources.

What data is available?

Enigma combines data from hundreds of sources to provide comprehensive business data to help with use cases from customer acquisition to risk monitoring.

Identity and Firmographic Attributes - Includes data like name, address, website, corporate registration and detailed industry.

Merchant Transaction Signals - Built from a panel covering 40% of U.S. card transactions, includes data like card revenues, revenue growth, average transaction size, and refunds.

Other Revenue and Financial Health Attributes - Includes data like SBA loans, WARN filings, and construction contractor licenses.

Why use Enigma's data?


Revenues and growth built from transactions, updated monthly.

Icon for "A single alternative source" benefit on Marketing Use Case page


Available via API or batch upload, already pre-permissioned for use.


High coverage of all businesses, industry leading for smaller businesses.


Enigma helps us develop high-performing marketing campaigns for our clients so they can acquire more of their ideal customers. With their data quality and service-minded team, Enigma has quickly become one of our most trusted and valued data partners.

Kristopher Lazzaretti
Executive Vice President

What is Merchant Transactions Data?

Merchant Transactions Data provides near real-time visibility into revenues at consumer-facing businesses. Access detailed data about transaction size, monthly growth trends, refunds, and more.

This data is built from our exclusive access to a card panel covering more than 40% of all card transactions in the U.S.

Key Stats


Business profiles for 98% of employer businesses.


Certified operating status for 16 million businesses across 20 million business locations.


Accurate granular revenue information for 7 million businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Enigma source data?

Enigma sources data from hundreds of different sources, which we unite to provide a holistic picture of a business, its operations, and its financial health. Those sources fall into four main categories: card panel, government data, online footprint, and third-party verification. You can read more about each source type here.

How can I access Enigma data?

Enigma’s data is available via API, batch append, file delivery, or search user interface. Which data access method is right for you will depend on your workflow and any technical requirements of your application. Learn more about the details of each access method here.

What kinds of businesses does Enigma have data about?

Enigma provides data about U.S. businesses. Enigma’s identity and firmographics data attributes cover businesses across all industries. Enigma’s Merchant Transactions data attributes cover card-accepting businesses, such as restaurants, retail, and e-commerce. Enigma’s coverage is especially strong for the long-tail of small and micro businesses that are missing from other databases.

What use cases is Enigma’s data most valuable for?

Enigma’s data is used to improve every stage of the SMB customer journey, from customer acquisition to KYB and onboarding to underwriting and portfolio monitoring.